考研幫 > 英語 > 復習經(jīng)驗


  【摘要】隨著考研時間的迫近,同學們的復習也日漸白熱化。對于考研英語來說,隨著復習的深入,大家更需要的是真題??佳胁蛔?00天,專業(yè)課如何提升一個level ?了解更多猛戳

  1、(2005年 閱讀理解)Above all, like their female human counterparts, they tend to pay much closer attention to the value of “goods and services” than males.
  【成分】Above all,狀語 like their female human counterparts,插入語 they主語 tend to pay much謂語 closer attention to謂語 the value of “goods and services”賓語 than males.比較級
  【析句】句子開頭是個介詞短語Above all做狀語, 后面表示比較關系的插入語,也就是like their female human counterparts, 句子的主語是they,動詞是個短語,也就是 tend to pay much closer attention to,賓語是 the value of “goods and services”,后面是個比較級,也就是 than males。此句話的亮點在于插入語用得很漂亮,而且比較級用得很精彩,而且動詞是個短語tend to pay much closer attention to,導致賓語很難找到。
  above all最重要的是
  like their female human counterparts像人類中的女人一樣
  pay much closer attention to更關心
  the value of “goods and services”“貨物和服務”的價值

  2、(2005年 閱讀理解)The brain is as active during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep when most vivid dreams occuras it is when fully awake, says Dr, Eric Nofzinger at the University of Pittsburgh.
  【成分】The brain is as active during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep when most賓語從句 vivid dreams occur as it is when fully awake,賓語從句 says謂語 Dr.Eric Nofzinger主語 at the定語 University of Pittsburgh.定語
  【析句】該句子是一個倒裝句,句首是間接引語的賓語從句,其主謂結構后置,即says Dr, Eric.賓語從句的主干是個比較結構The brain is as active during REM as it is when fully awake。兩個破折號之間是插入語,做定語從句,修飾REM sleep,即“出現(xiàn)清晰夢境的快速動眼睡眠”。此句話的亮點在于比較結構as...as...的成功使用,表示前后一樣,比如I am as clever as you are。
  during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep在快速動眼睡眠中
  most vivid dreams occur出現(xiàn)清晰夢境
  when fully awake完全清醒時

  segment  n.部分,片段;(橘子等的)瓣;弓形
  [真題連線] International affiliates account for a fast-growing segment of production in economies that open up and welcome foreign investment .
  [2001年閱讀4] 在那些對外開放并鼓勵外資的國家經(jīng)濟中國際分公司在國民生產(chǎn)中所占的比重越來越大。

  significance n.意義,含義;重要性,意義
  [典型例句This new discovery of oil is of great significance to this area's economy.
  [例句精譯] 此次新發(fā)現(xiàn)的油田對該地區(qū)的經(jīng)濟有著重大的意義。

  system  n.系統(tǒng);制度,體制
  [真題連線] In recent years, railroads have been combining with each other, merging into super systems, causing heightened concerns about monopoly .
  [2003年閱讀3] 近些年的鐵路公司相互結合成超大型集團的風潮,引發(fā)了人們對壟斷行為的極大擔憂。

  undergo vt.經(jīng)歷,遭受
  [真題連線] Consequently, our feeling, thought and emotions have undergone a corresponding change.
  [2002年閱讀2] 因此,我們的感覺、思想和情感都經(jīng)歷了相應的變化。

  acquire  vt.取得,獲得;學到
  [典型例句] Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you; you must acquire it.
  [例句精譯] 保持好奇吧!因為知識無須獲得你,而你必須獲得知識。







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