考研幫 > 英語 > 復習經(jīng)驗




  1. Address演講、講話

  Depending on whom you are addressing, the problems will be different.


  This rule is meant to address the difficulty that students from poor homes might have in completing their homework.

  2. Air 公開表達觀點或者不平裝腔作勢,擺架子

  Some long-standing grievances were aired.

  an unpretentious musician with no air

  3. Average平均為普通的

  if oil prices averaged $22 a barrel for a full year

  Today the messages the average Westerner is surrounded with are not religious but commercial and forever happy.

  4. Dynamic互動的

  we can’t yet give a robot enough ‘common sense’ to reliably interact with a dynamic world.

  5. Edge 有優(yōu)勢的

  Competitive edge cutting-edge technology.

  6. Exercise行使

  You can exercise the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be used against you in the court of law.

  7. feed

  If you then examined the European national youth teams that feed the World Cup and professional ranks, you would find this strange phenomenon to be ever more pronounced.

  8. Pronounced明顯的

  9. Rate評估

  the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated



  Immigrantsare quickly fitting this common culture


  At the core of this debate is chairman Gerald Levin, 56, who took over for thelate Steve Ross in 1992.

  13.Game 獵物 行業(yè) 詭計 花招 有冒險精神的

  The insurance game;

  Thelarge, slow-growing animals were easy game, and were quickly hunted toextinction

  Diplomatic game

  She is game for anything.

  14.Gathering 聚會

  I was addressing a small gathering in a suburban Virginia living room

  15.Green 幼稚的,不成熟的。

  A green hand

  16.Ground 理由、根據(jù)

  Have no ground to complain

  17.Handsome 大量的

  publishers who have, so far, made handsome profits.

  18.Heavy 難懂的、晦澀的

  The report makes heavy reading for publishers


  thecompany is financially ill-managed


  Impossible situation進退維谷的境地

  Impossibly 相當于very

  Impossibly difficult

  21.Industry 勤勞

  I am impressed by their industry.

  22.Plant 工廠

  Power plant 發(fā)電廠

  23.introduce 引出,引入

  introduce the topic of what makes expert performance

  24.jealous 珍惜的、精心呵護的

  be jealous of one’s own good reputation.

  25.Leave 委托,留給

  She leaves her assistant in charge.


  economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more mean-spirited and less inclusive.

  much higher than the mean score of 80.


  To pay according to one’s mean按照個人的經(jīng)濟能力消費。

  28.Meet 滿足,經(jīng)歷

  To meet disaster

  all citizens who meet minimal qualifications of age and literacy

  meet the demand.

  29.Narrow 勉強的、剛剛好的

  A narrow victory

  30.Observe 遵守,說話,評論,慶祝,慶賀

  Observe rules or regulations.

  She observes that the nightfall is coming.

  They observe the National Day.

  31.Part 分離,分開

  For one thing, the South could not afford to part with its slaves.

  32.Partial 熱愛、偏見

  Be partial to sth喜歡某物

  Partial opinion

  33.Save 除了(介詞)

  They know nothing about her save her name.

  34.Say 發(fā)言權

  You have no say in the decision.

  35.Smart 整潔而漂亮的, 高檔的,靈活的,靈巧的

  A smart uniform

  a smart hotel

  a smart car

  36.State 陳述

  exaggerated statements

  which of the following statement is true?


  shared effort

  38. convention

  Here is an example, which I heard at a nurses’ convention

  39. common共同的

  the experiences and problems which are common to all of you

  40. remark 注意的

  He remarked the man’s inflamed wound.

  41. Charge

  Shippers feel they are being overcharged.

  42. rate價格

  Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal government’s Surface Transportation Board for rate relief

  43. weigh 考慮衡量

  They are inclined toweigh what they get

  44. even 相等的

  Even statistics

  45. voice 意見

  voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete

  46. practice 慣例,做法

  The practice of giving premium to inventors

  47. tell 區(qū)分,分辨

  It is difficult to tell good information from bad.

  48. principal 最重要的,主要的

  They found the principal requirement for sth.

  49. figure任務

  Americans no longer expect public figures to command the English language with skill and gift.

  50. figure out弄清楚

  Help Your Kids Figure Out Who They Are

  51. issue 發(fā)行,授予

  The Organization for EconomicCo-operation and Development (OECD) has just issued a report.

  52. process

  meaningful processing ofinformation.

  53. cover 報道;支付

  To cover the disaster.

  To cover the cost.


  1. 放棄 abandon, desert, leave, discard, give up

  2. 壓縮,縮寫abbreviate, compress, condense, shorten

  3. 遵守abide, comply, follow, obey

  4. 能力ability, capacity, capability, genius, talent,faculty, gift,able, capable, qualified

  6. 不規(guī)律abnormal, irregular, unusual

  7. 廢除abolish, cancel, delete, eliminate, terminate, doawaywith

  8. 吸收absorb, fascinate, attract

  9. 荒謬的absurd, foolish, ridiculous

  10. 充足的abundant, plentiful, rich, adequate enough sufficient

  11. 濫用abuse, curse, insult

  12. 接受,采納accept, admit adopt

  13. 途徑access, approach

  14. 事故accident, incident, event, occurrence, happening

  15. 歡呼acclaim, applaud, cheer, clap

  17. 陪伴accompany, follow, escort, go with

  18. 完成accomplish, achieve, finish, complete,fullfill

  20. 結(jié)果accordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore,thus

  22. 積累accumulate,assemble, collect, gather, heap, pile

  23. 精確accurate, exact, precise, correct

  24. 控訴accuse, charge, condemn, prosecute

  27. 承認acknowledge, accept, admit,confess, recognize

  29. 獲得acquire, obtain, gain, get, win, earn, secure,attain

  30. 行動,行為act, action, deed, operation, performance behavior

  31. 活躍的active, energetic, vigorous

  33. 真的actual, positive, real, true

  34. 額外的additional, extra, supplementary

  35. 演講,講話address, speech, lecture, report, talk

  37. 改變alter, modify, change, shift, transform, switch, ajust, revise, vary

  38. 管理administer, control, govern, manage, rule,supervise

  39. 崇拜admire, adore, appreciate, worship, honour,respect,

  40. 成人adult, grown-up, mature

  42. 有點advantage, benefit, interest, favor, profit, gain

  43. 建議advice, opinion, suggestion, propose,recommendation, view

  48. 害怕afraid, fearful, awful, dreadful, frightful,terrible, horrible, terrific, appalling, timid, scared

  52. 痛苦agony, anguish, pain, suffering, grief, misery,distress, sorrow

  54. 恐慌alarm, fright, horror, panic, terror, dread,startle, terrify, scare, intimidate

  56. 相似alike, similar, identical, assimilating

  58. 常常always, often, usually, frequently, repeatedly,regularly

  61. 祖先ancestor, forefather, predecessor

  62. 痛苦anger, indignation, temper, rage, fury, outrage,grievance ,irritated, annoy

  64. 焦慮anxiety,worry, care, concern, upset, depressed,

  65. 設備apparatus, instrument, device,equipment, tool, implement, appliance

  66. 明顯的apparent, evident, obvious, clear, distinct, plain,conspicuous

  67. 出現(xiàn)appear, emerge, turn up, come being, loom

  68. 應用application, usage, utilize, employ, take advantage of

  69. 合適的appropriate, fit, proper, suitable

  70. 爭論argue,debate, dispute, quarrel, discuss, reason, controversy

  72. 抓住arrest, capture, catch, seize,trap

  73. 假的,人造的artificial, false, synthetic, man-made, fake, unnatural

  75. 屈辱,丟人的ashamed, shameful, humiliated

  79. 同伴companion, company, colleague, fellow,partner

  80. 認為assume, deem,hold, deduce, suppose, presume

  86. 律師attorney, lawyer

  88. 增加augment, expand, increase, surge,soar, go up, rocket, sky-rocket

  89. 自治autonomous, independent, self-governing

  90. 可利用的available, accessible

  100. 重要的essential, fundamental, radical, vital, significant,crucial, critical, important, significant

  104. 開始begin, commence, start, initiate, launch


  1.belief,faith, confidence, conviction, credit, trust信任,信念

  2.below,beneath, under, underneath, down在...之下

  3.beneficial,advantageous, profitable, favorable有益的

  4.besides, but,except for, 除了...

  5.bewilder, confuse, embarrass,puzzle, perplex迷惑

  6.biased, partial, prejudiced偏見的

  7.bind, tie,fasten系緊

  8.bit, piece,sheet, slice, fragment, scrap一片

  9.blame, accuse, condemn, reproach, scold, denounce責備

  10.blank, empty,vacant空

  11.block, bar,hinder, obstruct, prevent, hamper阻礙

  12.blunder,mistake, error, slip, fault錯誤

  13.bold, brave, courageous, daring, heroic, fearless,agressive勇敢的

  14.boring,tedious, tiresome無聊的

  15.bother, disturb, trouble, annoy, irritate打擾

  16.boundary,border, frontier邊界

  17.break, burst, crack, crush, fracture, smash,destroy, ruin, wreck, damage, spoil破壞

  18.bright,brilliant,clever, wise, intelligent, ingenious, smart, shrewd聰明的

  19.brittle, fragile, vulnerable, feeble, weak, be susceptible to, besubject to脆弱的

  20.bruise, hurt,injury, wound, injure, impair受傷

  21.build,construct, found, erect, establish, fabricate建立

  22.bump, clash,collide, conflict沖突

  23.busy,engaged, occupied忙碌的

  24.but, however, , yet, nevertheless, while, whereas然而

  25.calculate, compute, count, estimate計算

  26.foster, nurture, cultivate培養(yǎng)

  27.careful,cautious, attentive, prudent謹慎的

  28.carry,convey, transfer, transport運輸

  29.catch, seize,grasp, grip, capture, hold抓住

  30.cause, bring about, give rise to, evoke,lead to, result in導致

  31.cease, pause,stop, halt, quit停止

  32.change, alter,modify, remold, reshape, vary, convert, transform改變

  33.chaos,disorder, confusion混亂

  34.characteristic,feature, mark, trait特點

  35.charge, cost, expense, expenditure, fare, fee,price費用

  36.chase, pursue,seek追求

  37.cheat,deceive, trick, fool欺騙

  38.cheerful,glad, happy, joyful開心的

  39.chief, principal, main, major, leading, foremost,primary主要的

  40.choice,alternative, option, selection, election選擇

  41.circumstance,context, situation情況

  42.cite, quote引用

  43.citizen, civilian, inhabitant, resident市民,居民


  45.embrace, include, encompass包含


  47.clothes,clothing, coat, dress, garment, robe, gown, uniform, costume, suit衣服



  50.connect, join, link, acquire, merger,consolidation, concentration, integration, combination合并

  51.come from, result from, arise, stem from, derive from來自于

  52.comfort, console, ease,relieve, relaxation, relief, rest緩解,放松

  53.command, order, direction, instruction說明,指揮

  54.traffic, transportation交通

  55.company, corporation, firm, enterprise公司

  56.persistent, consistent, insistent堅持

  57.limit,restrict, confine, scale back, curb, constrict constrain, hinder限制

  58.compete, contend,contest, rival競爭

  59.complex, complicated, sophisticated, intricate復雜的

  60.component,constituent, element, ingredient組成部分,構(gòu)成元素



  63.condense,compress, contract, shrink壓縮

  64.conquer, overcome, overthrow,defeat征服

  65.consequence,result, outcome結(jié)果



  68.contradict,deny, oppose, refute拒絕,反對

  69.conventional, traditional傳統(tǒng)的

  70.induce, attract, tempt, lure, appeal吸引

  71.copy,duplicate, imitate復制,模仿

  72.count on, depend on, rely on依賴

  73.crazy,insane, mad, mental瘋狂的

  74.creative,original, imaginative, innovative創(chuàng)造的,創(chuàng)新的

  75.crime, sin, guilt, offence, violation罪

  76.crop,harvest, yield產(chǎn)出

  77.cruel, brutal, inhuman, savage, fierce, ruthless殘忍的

  78. danger, hazard, risk, adventure, menace, threat危險







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