考研幫 > 英語 > 復(fù)習(xí)經(jīng)驗





  1.連詞that, if, whether,連接代詞what, which, who, whom, whose以及連接副詞how, when, why, where可用來引導(dǎo)名詞從句,充當(dāng)主語、表語、賓語等。非正式文體中的賓語從句常省略that:

  I think (that) he'll be back in an hour. 我認為他一小時后就會回來。

  Who they are doesn't matter much. 他們是誰沒什么大關(guān)系。

  Can you tell me where he is? 你能告訴我他在哪兒嗎?

  He asked me if/whether I knew John. 他問我是否認識約翰。

  此外,that, which, who, whom, whose, when, why, where等還可以引導(dǎo)定語從句。

  2.連詞when, while, before, after, till/until, since, as soon as等引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句:

  She said hello to me when she saw me. 她看到我的時候,和我打了招呼。

  I'll wait here until you come back. 我將在這里等你回來。

  3.連詞if, unless引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句;because, as, since引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句:

  I'll help her if she asks me to. 如果她要求我,我就幫助她。

  I won't help her unless she asks me to. 除非她要求我,否則我不會幫她。

  He didn't come because he was ill. 因為他病了,所以沒來。

  As he hasn't appeared yet, we shall start without him. 既然他還沒有出現(xiàn),我們就先開始吧。

  Since everybody is here, let's begin. 既然大家都到了,咱們就開始吧。

  4.連詞in order than, so that引導(dǎo)目的狀語從句;so…that…引導(dǎo)結(jié)果狀語從句:

  I locked the door in order that we might continue our discussions undisturbed. (=I locked the door in order to continue our discussions undisturbed.) 我把門鎖上了,以便我們可以繼續(xù)討論而不受打擾。

  The car ran so fast that I couldn't see who was in it. 汽車跑得那么快,我沒看清誰坐在里面。

  5.連詞than, as…as…, not as/so…as…用來引導(dǎo)比較狀語從句:

  He is better educated than his brother. 他比他兄弟受的教育好。

  He is as well educated as his brother. 他和他兄弟受的教育一樣好。

  He is not as/so well educated as his brother. 他沒有他兄弟受的教育好。

  6.連詞although, though 引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句;where, wherever 引導(dǎo)地點狀語從句:

  I'll go wherever you go. 不管你去哪兒,我就去那兒。

  Stay where you are! 原地別動!

  Though/Although she is rich, she’s not happy. 盡管她富有,但她并不幸福。





  并列連詞用來連接句子中擔(dān)任相同成分的詞、短語或分句。常見的有七個單詞和四個短語:and, but, or, for(因為), nor, so, yet; both…and…, not only….but also…., either…or…., neither…nor…


  The man put on his coat and hat, and went out of the office. 那個人穿上外衣、戴上帽子,走出了辦公室。

  A car and a dictionary are both useful. 汽車和字典都有用處。

  I went home and John stayed there. 我回家了,而約翰呆在那里。


  Not everybody is honest and hardworking, but Tom is. 并非每個人都誠實肯干,但湯姆是的。

  We tried to persuade her to do it but failed. 我們盡力說服她去做,但沒有成功。


  Which VCD player is better, this one or that one? 哪個VCD更好,這個還是那個?

  Are you hungry or not? 你餓了沒有?


  I must be going, for it’s getting dark. 我必須走了,因為天黑了。

  He didn’t go there, for he was ill. 他沒到那兒去,因為他病了。


  His plan is both easy and practical. 他的計劃既容易又實用。

  Zhang Yimou is a famous director both at home and abroad. 張藝謀是一位在國內(nèi)外都著名的導(dǎo)演。

  Both this plane and its engines are made in China. 飛機和它的發(fā)動機都是中國制造的。

  6.Not only…but also…不但能連接詞和短語,而且還能連接分句。Also 有時省略。注意not only 位于句首時,主語和謂語需要倒裝:

  He is not only an actor but also a writer. 他不僅是演員,而且是作家。

  He not only read it but also remembered what he had read. 他不但讀過,而且記住了所讀過的東西。

  When we talk about the universe, we mean not only the earth, the sun, and the moon, but (also) all the other things too far away for us to see. 當(dāng)我們談到宇宙時,我們不但指地球、太陽和月亮,而且還指一切遠得看不見的其他東西。

  Not only did he say it but (also) he did it. 他不但說了,而且做了。(倒裝)

  Not only do the nurses want a pay rise, but also they want reduced hours. 護士們不但要求加工資,而且還要求縮短工時。(倒裝)


  Either you are wrong, or I am. 不是你錯了,就是我錯了。

  Either you or he is going to get the job. 不是你就是他將獲得這份工作。

  Can I borrow either your car or your bike? 我可以借用你的汽車或者你的自行車嗎?

  If you’re late, you should make an apology to the host either immediately or later. 如果你遲到了,你應(yīng)該立即或事后向主人道歉。


  Neither the students nor I am ready yet. 學(xué)生們和我都還沒有準(zhǔn)備好。

  He worked neither for fame nor for money. 他干工作既不圖名又不圖利。

  The girl could neither speak nor write the language. 這個女孩既不會說也不會寫那種語言。


  It’s getting dark, so I must be going. 天黑了,因此我得走了。

  I had a headache, so I went to bed early last night. 我頭痛,于是昨晚很早就睡了。

  10.Yet (然而),有時和and 一起用,表示吃驚、表示轉(zhuǎn)折,相當(dāng)于but at the same time, however, nevertheless:

  She is vain and foolish, and yet people like her. 她既虛榮又愚蠢,然而人們卻喜歡她。

  She’s a funny girl, yet you can’t help liking her. 她是個瘋瘋癲癲的女孩,然而你卻禁不住喜歡她。

  He worked hard, yet he failed. 他很努力,然而卻失敗了。

  It’s strange, yet it’s true. 這事有點怪,卻是真的。

  He’s a wealthy, yet honest, businessman. 他是個富有而又誠實的商人。

  It is only a little shop and yet it always has such lovely decorations. 那只是個小店,卻總是有漂亮的裝飾。

  You can draw a good horse in five minutes, yet you kept me waiting for a year. 你能在五分鐘內(nèi)畫出一匹好看的馬,然而你讓我等了一年。



  1.表示順序的,如first, in the first place, then, finally, in the end等等。尤其要注意then. 如:

  誤:He graduated from college in 2003, then he found a job.

  正:He graduated from college in 2003, and then he found a job. / He graduated from college in 2003. Then he found a job.

  2.表示遞進關(guān)系的,如in addition, what is more, furthermore,moreover等。注意in addition 與in addition to 的區(qū)別:inaddition 是副詞性質(zhì);而in addition to 是介詞性質(zhì),后面必須接賓語。

  3.表示轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系的,如 however, nevertheless, none the less, on the contrary, in contrast, 等等。要注意不要把however 當(dāng)成連詞:

  誤:In 2003, the United States launched the war on Iraq on account of Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction (WMD), however, no WMD has been found in Iraq so far.

  正:In 2003, the United States launched the war on Iraq on account of Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction(WMD). However, no WMD has been found inIraqso far.






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