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  摘要:一直以來為大家分享經濟、政治類的文章閱讀,今天小編就為大家?guī)硪黄萍碱愇恼隆1疚倪x自《自然》雜志上一篇名為“Hues and cry”的文章,是對前段時間引起熱議的“藍黑vs白金”事件的解讀,文章援引的例子之多,可謂是貫通古今,論證充分。


  Hues and cry

  A blue dress divided the Internet----and put the science of visual perception in the spotlight.

  I ①The influence on science and the arts of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe----poet,playwright, novelist, proto-scientist, philosopher and general all-round egghead----is profound. ②His view about the physiological nature of colors, however, have never really caught on, in part because he proposed that colors are more an invention of the mind than a physical reality. ③One thing, however, rings true: the appearance of objects is not objective, but a conversation between the observer and observed.

  II ①Neuroscientists have long recognized that the perception of color and shade depends strongly on context. ②Illusions exist, for example, in which one can be utterly convinced that black is white, depending on the surrounding patterns or the conditions in which an object is lit. ③But it is also true that all other things being equal, the perception of color differs between people.

  III ①One editor of this journal, for example, once owned a car that was, in his opinion, quite clearly green. ②It remained green in all conceivable circumstances of context, shade and illumination other than complete darkness. ③Except, however, that everyone else was equally convinced that it was blue----including the vehicle-licensing authority. ④The car was not only blue----it was officially blue.

  IV ①Recently, the Internet was deluged with strongly held opinion about color, specifically of a dress. ②The dress was advertised as being blue and black. ③But if illuminated in a certain way, the dress appeared white and gold. ④People were absolutely convinced of its color combination, one way or the other. ⑤The web exploded with chromatic debate after various celebrities bruited their opinions on Twitter. ⑥A straw poll of Nature’s editors (including the owner of the blue car) was roughly split down the middle, and convictions were strong----one way or the other.

  V ①The explanation for the illusion lies in the color of the light in which the dress was photographed. ②The brain of people who read the overall ambience as too blue willovercompensate, seeing the dress as white and gold. ③Others, whose visual systems read that the lighting was not blue enough, saw the dress as blue and black.

  VI①Wired magazine hosted a full discussion on the effect, and the consternation in that publication’s office seemed to reflect the brouhaha that briefly reigned in the otherwise serene halls of Nature. ②(The wheels of this international weekly journal of science briefly ground to a halt as so:” I can’t read any more manuscripts until I find out WHY? ”)

  VII ①On being told of the illusion, some people—but not all—could just about force themselves to see the dress as black and blue rather than white and gold. ②The picture is a clear demonstration that color perception varies between individuals, and according to the conditions of illumination. ③Such perception is distinct from the genetic conditions that predispose people to the various syndromes known as color blindness.

  VIII ①Had the ghost of Goethe been watching ‘dressgate’, he might have allowed himself a rueful smile, given the brickbats thrown in his direction by his scientific critics even in his own time, who, he said, “forgot that science arose from poetry, and did not see that when times change the tow can meet again on a higher level as friends.”











  1. *ambience  n. 氣氛,布景;周圍環(huán)境

  2. *brickbat  碎磚;磚片;批評的話;不遜之言

  3. *be deluged with v. 涌來,充滿

  4. *brouhaha n. (法)吵鬧;騷動

  5. *bruit  vt. 散播

  6. *chromatic a. 彩色的;色品的;易染色的

  7. *consternation n. 驚愕;驚惶失措;恐怖

  8. *egghead  n. 理論家;受過高等教育的人

  9. illuminate n. 照亮,照明;用燈光裝飾

  10. illusion n.幻想,錯誤的觀念;錯覺,幻覺,假象

  11. *neuroscientist  n. 神經系統(tǒng)科學家

  12. *overcompensate  v. 過度補償

  13.  physiological a.生理學的, 生理學上的

  14. *playwright n. 劇作家

  15. *predispose v. 使…偏向于

  16. *proto-scientist n.科學的雛形

  17.  reign v.統(tǒng)治,支配,盛行

  18.  ring true v.聽起來是真的

  19. *rueful a. 可憐的;悲傷的;悔恨的



  段I先借歌德的科學觀點:關于顏色的生理學特性,為后文討論顏色的生成機制引出話題。句①先指出歌德的多重身份:劇作家、哲學家、科學家。句②引出歌德對顏色的生成機制的看法,歌德認為,顏色的產生并不完全由現實決定,更多是思維的結果,但是這一看法并未引起當時人們的注意。“have never really caught on”形容當時這一觀點的冷遇,與前文提到的歌德的多重身份形成對比。句③進而聚焦于觀點本身的闡述:物體的外表模樣并不是客觀的,而是觀察者和被觀察物交流的結果。句③既是對歌德觀點的提煉,又為下文對主題的討論埋下伏筆,起承上啟下的作用。

  段II通過援引精神科學家對色彩感知機制的研究結果證明己方觀點。都是作為研究成果,段I與段II一古一今,相得益彰。句①總起全段,指出精神科學家早已意識到對色彩的感知依賴環(huán)境。句②進一步闡述這種環(huán)境在色彩辨認過程中的的作用之大,可以讓人把白色辨認為黑色。“depend on”指“取決于”,強調環(huán)境在這一過程中扮演的角色非常重要。句③指出讓色彩感知產生差異的另一種情況:即使一切外部條件都是一致的,感知過程與結果也會因人而異。這個句子為段III 要闡釋說明的內容埋下伏筆。

  段III 援引作者身邊的實例,證明段II句③的內容:一位編輯擁有一輛無論在什么情況下,在他眼里都是綠色的車,然而,在其他人眼里,這輛車始終是藍色的,包括車管所的工作人員也這么認為。“shade””illumination”和“complete darkness”分別指光線分布有異的三種情況:陰影下、光亮下、黑暗中,進一步強調外部條件的變化對個人視覺感知的影響效果甚微,反而是個人自身的感知決定了看到物體的顏色。呼應段II句③的觀點。

  段IV引出全文中心事件:裙子是藍黑的還是白金的?句①用詞組“be deluged with”形容評論如潮,反映此事件在互聯網上影響之廣泛。句②、③就事件進行陳述:一件被宣揚是藍底黑邊的裙子,在光線變化時會呈現出白色和金色。④、⑤、⑥句聚焦于人們對這件事的反映:大家都確信自己看到的才是裙子真正的顏色。互聯網上關于裙子顏色的討論如火如荼,而名人在推特網上對此事件的評論讓事情傳播得更為迅速。句⑥又回到《自然》編輯部本身:編輯們對此對半分派,但大家都對自己的結果深信不疑。









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